
Guru rinpoche mantra,Gurumantra

Guru mantras, Mantras for your Guru

Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Gurur Devo Maheshvarah
Guru Shakshat Param Brahma
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namah
Meaning -
Guru (teacher) is also considered to Lord Brahma himself.He is also Lord Vishnu , He is also Lord Shiva .who is also known as the supreme Brahman,who gives us the power of knowledge and speech.I offer my adoration unto that peerless Guru.

guru rinpoche mantra

Yasya prasaadaat ahameva Vishnu
Mayyeva sarvam parikalpitam cha
Itham vijaanaami sadaatma-roopam
Tasyaamkhri padmam pranatosmi nityam

Meaning -
He is the one who has given me suggestion in bringing out my knowledge and talent which is hidden in me.And on me alone everything is imposed.He has given me the knowledge and power to speak and I bestowe on his Lotus feet and love to do many namaskarams(Salute).